Transforming Education

Transforming Education

The Tripartite Structure of Sustainability

Research Question 1

Is there a single evidence-based model on the inner-outer gap that explains enough on the gap to build on it for education?

--> As this was not the case we deducted the Tripartite Structure of Sustainability from Research

Research Question 2

Is the Tripartite Structure of Sustainability (TSS) able to predict whether people act sustainable?


84 factors collected in a systematic literature review and categorized into the TSS supported the model and showed that a focus on the self reinforced the inner-outer gap, a social focus reinforced or bridged the gap depending on the actions of the social environment, a self-transcendent focus bridges the gap.

Teaser for the Conference Presentation ECER 2021

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230810 ESRI Meyer Tripartite Structure of Sustainability Poster
POSTER ESRI-Conference 2023 (Italy)
Paper 1: The Tripartite Structure of Sustainability: A New Educational Approach to Bridge the Gap to Wise and Sustainable Action (Meyer)
Paper 2: Educating Towards a New Paradigm in Sustainabilty.
A Systematic Literature Review Testing the Contribution of the Tripartite Structure of Sustainability (Meyer, Gaertner, Elting)


The Tripartite Structure of Sustainability


Dr. Elena Gaertner

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich

Christian Elting

University of Bamberg